Regional District of Integrated Management

Dry tropical forest

El Cuzco

Fotografías por Carlos Castillo. Teléfono: 311 421 7003


The Cuzco village, is the main point of arrival at La Tatacoa, given the natural attraction offered by the El Cuzco trail, also called “labyrinth path” for its geoforms with hills of high ridges and gullies reddish tones, it is important look for a guide to guide you through the path. Another attraction of the place, is the astronomical observatory that offers astronomy conferences on weekends from 7 p.m. Finally, you can visit the Mirador del Cuzco where you can observe the landscape, flora and fauna.

Help care of Cuzco

Cuzco is a place visited by tourists and it is important to help preserve it, for this it is necessary to go to a guide that guides it through the area and the El Cuzco Trail to avoid increasing its erosion by walking the appropriate route and It’s easy to get lost in that place. It is also ideal to find a lodging place where you can camp or rest in rooms with their respective services. Keep your waste and walk quietly.

Avoid performing the following negative activities:

– Climb or make trips out of the trail path.

– Step on, damage or extract the vegetation and / or animals.

– Use any type of vehicle on the trail.